Area Sales Manager (m/f/d) Netherlands, Belgium, Scandinavia
DWT is a private owned German company specialized in on-site pipe machining equipment. Our product range consists of pipe beveling and cutting machines, industrial pipe saws and pipe welding accessories. To strengthen our position in the market of Northern Europe we are looking for an:
Area Sales Manager (m/f/d) Netherlands, Belgium, Scandinavia
We offer:
- Training and education in our headquarter in Germany
- An interesting work with good perspectives and an outstanding product range
- A company car
- An adequate salary with performance related components
We expect:
- excellent sales skills and some years of experience in sales
- practical skills to perform machine demonstrations
- preparedness for travelling all over Scandinavia
- very good knowledge in Dutch and English language
- good knowledge in welding and/or metal related industry
- a degree as mechanical and/or welding engineer
Interested? Please apply through our online application form including your curriculum vitae, photo, testimonial, degrees as well as salary indication.
For more details about our company please check https://www.dwt-pipetools.com.
Vertrieb und HandelKarrierestufe
mit BerufserfahrungArbeitszeit
FestanstellungDWT GmbH
Wir sind ein stark expandierendes, mittelständisches Vertriebs-, Produktions- und Serviceunternehmen im Ruhrgebiet, dem industriellen Herzen Deutschlands. Von dort werden zahlreiche Märkte in Deutschland und im Ausland bedient.
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